
pydantic model aind_bci_no_movement.task_logic.BciNoMovementTaskLogic[source]

Bases: AindBehaviorTaskLogicModel

  • extra: str = forbid

  • validate_assignment: bool = True

  • validate_defaults: bool = True

  • strict: bool = True

  • str_strip_whitespace: bool = True

field name: str = 'bci-no-movement'[source]

Task name

field task_parameters: BciNoMovementTaskParameters [Required][source]

Parameters of the task logic

field version: Literal['0.0.1'] = '0.0.1'[source]
Validated by:
  • coerce_version

pydantic model aind_bci_no_movement.task_logic.BciNoMovementTaskParameters[source]

Bases: TaskParameters

  • extra: str = allow

  • validate_assignment: bool = True

  • validate_defaults: bool = True

  • strict: bool = True

  • str_strip_whitespace: bool = True

field bci_active_control: SignalProcessing = SignalProcessing(baseline_threshold=0, gain=1, low_pass_cut_off=None, high_pass_cut_off=None)[source]

BCI active control parameters

field bci_passive_control: SignalProcessing = SignalProcessing(baseline_threshold=0, gain=1, low_pass_cut_off=None, high_pass_cut_off=None)[source]

BCI control parameters

field delay_after_handshake: float = 0.5[source]

Delay after handshake (s). It will still be used if skip_2p_handshake is False.

  • ge = 0

field enable_sound_on_reward_zone_entry: bool = True[source]

Enables audio feedback on reward zone entry.

field far_position_offset: float = 8[source]

Offset (mm) from the close position to the far position.

  • ge = 0

field inter_trial_interval: float = 0[source]

Interval (s) between trials.

  • ge = 0

field lick_response_time: float = 2[source]

Interval (s) for the animal to collect reward. Only applies if waitForLick is true.

  • ge = 0

field low_activity_time: float = 1[source]

Duration (s) BCI activity must stay low before starting a new trial.

  • ge = 0

field manipulator_reset_position: Point3d = Point3d(x=0, y=0, z=0)[source]

Position (mm) to reset the manipulator to.

field max_trial_duration: float = 20[source]

Maximum duration (s) of a trial.

  • ge = 0

field no_movement_passive_control: SignalProcessing = SignalProcessing(baseline_threshold=0, gain=1, low_pass_cut_off=None, high_pass_cut_off=None)[source]

No movement control parameters

field no_movement_time_before_trial: float = 0[source]

Interval (s) subjects must not move for to start a new trial.

  • ge = 0

field punish_on_movement_duration: float = 0[source]

The duration (s) that the spout will stop updating if the animal moves during the trial.

  • ge = 0

field reward_consume_time: float = 2[source]

Duration (s) for the animal to consume reward.

  • ge = 0

field skip_2p_handshake: bool = False[source]

Skip 2p handshake

field valve_open_time: float = 0.01[source]

Time valve remains open (s)

  • ge = 0

field wait_for_lick: bool = True[source]

Determines whether the animal must lick to trigger reward delivery. If false, reward is immediately delivered.

field wait_microscope_time: float = 0[source]

Interval (s) after the animal successfully exists the quiescence period.

  • ge = 0

pydantic model aind_bci_no_movement.task_logic.Point3d[source]

Bases: BaseModel

field x: float = 0[source]

X coordinate

field y: float = 0[source]

Y coordinate

field z: float = 0[source]

Z coordinate

pydantic model aind_bci_no_movement.task_logic.SignalProcessing[source]

Bases: BaseModel

field baseline_threshold: float = 0[source]

The threshold to be applied to the signal to define baseline

  • ge = 0

field gain: float = 1[source]

The gain to be applied to the signal

field high_pass_cut_off: float | None = None[source]

High pass cut off frequency(Hz)

field low_pass_cut_off: float | None = None[source]

Low pass cut off frequency(Hz)