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Core - Logging


A simple logging pipeline can be assembled using the Core package.

The first thing that should be defined is the root where all data will be saved to. This can be done using the GenerateRootLoggingPath. This Node will instantiate a Subject with a unique path in the form of <RootFolder>/<Subject>/<Date>.


Harp data

Once this Subject is created, other nodes can access to it. For instance, if one would like to save the data from a Harp Device:

Without metadata


With Metadata

Each device can be saved with metadata by providing the device.yml file information to the operator. This string can be passed manually or by using the GetMetadata node from the device-specific package. For example, to log data from a LicketySplit device:


Spinnaker camera

Similarly, for a Spinnaker Camera:


Software events

For software events, one can use the SoftwareEvent class and the following pattern:
