
Calibration Module

The calibration module of this library keep a collection of models used to keep track of calibration metadata.

Every submodule has a single Calibration class that is used to store the calibration metadata. This class was written to be aligned to the Calibration class in aind-data-schemas as to provide an easy way to map calibration data.

Sub-classing Calibration

Sub-classing Calibration boils down to providing a subtype of the input and output fields. These fields are expected to be of a sub-type of ~pydantic.BaseModel and define the structure of the calibration outcome. Conceptually, input is the pre-process data that resulted from the calibration workflow (i.e. the weight of delivered water), whereas output is used to represent a post-processed version of the calibration outcome (e.g. a linear model that relates valve-opening times to water volume).

An example of a sub-class of Calibration is provided below:

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from typing import List, Literal
from aind_behavior_services.calibration import Calibration

class BarContainer(BaseModel):
   baz: string = Field(..., description="Baz value")
   bar: float = Field(..., description="Bar value")

class DeviceCalibrationInput(BaseModel):
   measured_foo: List[int] = Field(..., description="Measurements of Foo")
   bar_container: List[BarContainer] = Field(..., description="Bar container")

class DeviceCalibrationOutput(BaseModel):
   param_a = float = Field(default=1, description="Parameter A")
   param_b = float = Field(default=0, description="Parameter B")

class DeviceCalibration(Calibration):
   device_name: Literal["MyDevice"] = "MyDevice"
   description: Literal["Stores the calibration of a device"] = "Stores the calibration of a device"
   input: DeviceCalibrationInput = Field(..., title="Input of the calibration")
   output: DeviceCalibrationOutput = Field(..., title="Output of the calibration")